Why Your Foundation Must Be Protected by Ground Plates

What exactly is a ground plate experts? The term ground plate is used to describe the rubberized layer that sits on top of the concrete in order to help protect the surface of the concrete from the elements. Over time, the earth’s soil can become compacted and even torn apart by storms, forcing up through the ground various amounts of pressure. In response, the earth compacts in a protective layer called the “earth shield” over the top of the soil, which is where a number of different things can happen.

What exactly is a ground plate?

For instance, when there is a lot of rain, the earth can become full of water, which can increase the amount of pressure underneath the ground. If there are a lot of winds, then the earth can be whipped up around the building or structure in strong winds, which can cause cracks in the foundation or other structural damage. Even when the ground doesn’t receive much pressure from any particular storm, it can still be impacted by the movement of the ground beneath it. When this happens, a layer of blacktop or soil known as the “slab” can form above the concrete, which can limit the amount of traction that the concrete can receive from below.

When the slab begins to settle, the amount of weight that can be placed upon it can increase, which can put extra stress on the ground plates themselves. Additionally, the slabs can be moved or displaced in large amounts during any weather event. Without the proper ground protection, the building can be damaged, and without the proper protection, the building can become very unstable. A reputable company will consult with you about the best way to incorporate protective ground protection into your overall building plans.